Referenzi għall-Fuljett għall-Istudju tal-Laqgħa tal-Ħajja u l-Ministeru Tagħna
7-13 taʼ Settembru
Laqgha Nru 41 li saret fis-16 ta' Settembru 2014 u skedi. Laqgha Nru 40 li saret fid-19 t'Awissu 2014 u skedi. Laqgha Nru 39 li saret fis-17 ta' Lulju 2014 u Skedi. Laqgħa Nru 38 li saret fis-17 ta' Ġunju 2014 u Skedi. Laqgħa Nru 37 li saret fl-20 ta' Mejju 2014 u Skedi. L-attakki tal-11 ta' Settembru (imsejħin fil-qasir '9/11'), kienu serje ta' erba' attakki suwiċidi koordinati immirati lejn siti speċifiċi fil-belt ta' New York u f'Washington, l-Istati Uniti, nhar il-11 ta' Settembru, 2001. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary. Jump to navigation Jump to search. Maltese Proper noun. Xagħra (Maltese: Ix-Xagħra) is a town on the island of Gozo in Malta.It is one of the earliest inhabited parts of Gozo, being home to the Ġgantija megalithic temples which date back to the year 3600BC and the Xagħra Stone Circle.
'Tagħmilx Bħalma Jagħmlu l-Oħrajn'
it-1-E 11 ¶3
It is noteworthy that in each of his three deflections, Aaron does not appear as the principal initiator of the wrong action but, rather, seems to have allowed the pressure of the circumstances or the influence of others to sway him from a course of rectitude. Particularly in his first trespass, he could have applied the principle underlying the command: 'You must not follow after the crowd for evil ends.' (Ex 23:2) Nevertheless, his name is thereafter used in the Scriptures in an honorable way, and God's Son, during his earthly lifetime, recognized the legitimacy of the Aaronic priesthood.—Ps 115:10, 12; 118:3; 133:1, 2; 135:19; Mt 5:17-19; 8:4.
it-1-E 343 ¶5
Miscarriage of justice through judicial corruption was symbolized by blindness, and many are the exhortations in the Law against bribery, gifts, or prejudice, as such things can blind a judge and prevent the impartial administration of justice. 'The bribe blinds clear-sighted men.' (Ex 23:8) 'The bribe blinds the eyes of wise ones.' (De 16:19) A judge, no matter how upright and discerning, may be consciously or even unconsciously affected by a gift from those involved in the case. God's law thoughtfully considers the blinding effect not only of a gift but also of sentiment, as it states: 'You must not treat the lowly with partiality, and you must not prefer the person of a great one.' (Le 19:15) So, for sentimentality or for popularity with the crowd, a judge was not to render his verdict against the rich merely because they were rich.—Ex 23:2, 3.
Ħaffer għal Ġawhar Spiritwali
it-2-E 393
1. The only holy angel other than Gabriel named in the Bible, and the only one called 'archangel.' (Jude 9) The first occurrence of the name is in the tenth chapter of Daniel, where Michael is described as 'one of the foremost princes'; he came to the aid of a lesser angel who was opposed by 'the prince of the royal realm of Persia.' Michael was called 'the prince of [Daniel's] people,' 'the great prince who is standing in behalf of the sons of [Daniel's] people.' (Da 10:13, 20, 21; 12:1) This points to Michael as the angel who led the Israelites through the wilderness. (Ex 23:20, 21, 23; 32:34; 33:2) Lending support to this conclusion is the fact that 'Michael the archangel had a difference with the Devil and was disputing about Moses' body.'—Jude 9.
14-20 taʼ Settembru
'L-Iktar Ħaġa Importanti fit-Tabernaklu'
it-1-E 165
Ark of the Covenant
Pattern and Design. The first thing Jehovah gave Moses, when instructing him to build the tabernacle, was the pattern and design of the Ark, for indeed it was the central and paramount object of the tabernacle and the whole camp of Israel. The chest itself measured 2.5 cubits long, 1.5 cubits wide, and 1.5 cubits high (c. 111 × 67 × 67 cm; 44 × 26 × 26 in.). It was made of acacia wood, overlaid inside and out with pure gold. An artistic 'border of gold' served as a crowning wreath 'round about upon it.' The second section of the Ark, its cover, was made of solid gold, not just wood overlaid with gold, and was the full length and breadth of the chest. Mounted on this cover were two golden cherubs of hammered workmanship, one at each end of the cover facing each other, with heads bowed and wings extending upward and overspreading the Ark. (Ex 25:10, 11, 17-22; 37:6-9) This cover was also known as the 'mercy seat' or 'propitiatory cover.'—Ex 25:17; Heb 9:5, ftn; see PROPITIATORY COVER.
it-1-E 166 ¶2
Ark of the Covenant
The Ark served as a holy archive for the safekeeping of sacred reminders or testimony, the principal contents being the two tablets of the testimony, or the Ten Commandments. (Ex 25:16) A 'golden jar having the manna and the rod of Aaron that budded' were added to the Ark but were later removed sometime before the building of Solomon's temple. (Heb 9:4; Ex 16:32-34; Nu 17:10; 1Ki 8:9; 2Ch 5:10) Just before Moses died, he gave a copy of the 'book of the law' to the Levitical priests with instructions that it should be kept, not within, but 'at the side of the ark of the covenant of Jehovah your God, . . . as a witness there against you.'—De 31:24-26.
it-1-E 166 ¶3
Ark of the Covenant
Associated with God's presence. The Ark was associated with God's presence throughout its history. Jehovah promised: 'I will present myself to you there and speak with you from above the cover, from between the two cherubs that are upon the ark of the testimony.' 'In a cloud I shall appear over the cover.' (Ex 25:22; Le 16:2) Samuel wrote that Jehovah 'is sitting upon the cherubs' (1Sa 4:4); hence the cherubs served as 'the representation of the chariot' of Jehovah. (1Ch 28:18) Accordingly, 'whenever Moses went into the tent of meeting to speak with [Jehovah], then he would hear the voice conversing with him from above the cover that was upon the ark of the testimony, from between the two cherubs; and he would speak to him.' (Nu 7:89) Later, Joshua and High Priest Phinehas also inquired of Jehovah before the Ark. (Jos 7:6-10; Jg 20:27, 28) However, only the high priest actually entered the Most Holy and saw the Ark, one day a year, not to communicate with Jehovah, but in carrying out the Atonement Day ceremony.—Le 16:2, 3, 13, 15, 17; Heb 9:7.
Ħaffer għal Ġawhar Spiritwali
it-1-E 432 ¶1
Representative figures of cherubs were included in the furnishings of the tabernacle set up in the wilderness. Rising above each end of the Ark's cover were two cherubs of hammered gold. They were facing each other and bowing toward the cover in an attitude of worship. Each had two wings that spread upward and screened over the cover in a guarding and protecting manner. (Ex 25:10-21; 37:7-9) Also, the inner covering of tent cloths for the tabernacle and the curtain dividing the Holy from the Most Holy had embroidered cherub figures.—Ex 26:1, 31; 36:8, 35.
it-2-E 936
Twelve cakes of bread that were placed on a table in the Holy compartment of the tabernacle or temple and that were replaced with fresh ones each Sabbath. (Ex 35:13; 39:36; 1Ki 7:48; 2Ch 13:11; Ne 10:32, 33) The literal Hebrew designation for the showbread is the 'bread of the face.' The word for 'face' sometimes denotes 'presence' (2Ki 13:23), and so the showbread was in front of Jehovah's face as an offering before him constantly. (Ex 25:30, ftn) The showbread is also referred to as 'layer bread' (2Ch 2:4), 'loaves of presentation' (Mr 2:26), and simply 'the loaves' (Heb 9:2).
21-27 taʼ Settembru
'X'Nistgħu Nitgħallmu mill-Ilbies tal-Qassisin?'
it-2-E 1143
Urim and Thummim
A number of Bible commentators believe that the Urim and the Thummim were lots. They are called 'the sacred lots' in James Moffatt's translation of Exodus 28:30. Some suppose that they consisted of three pieces, one inscribed with the word 'yes,' one with 'no,' and the other blank. These would be drawn, giving the answer to the question propounded, unless the blank piece was drawn, in which case no answer was forthcoming. Others think that they may have been two flat stones, white on one side and black on the other. When thrown down, two white sides up would mean 'yes,' two black sides 'no,' and a black and a white would mean no answer. On one occasion, when Saul had inquired through the priest as to whether to resume an attack on the Philistines, he received no answer. Feeling that someone among his men had sinned, he petitioned: 'O God of Israel, do give Thummim!' Saul and Jonathan were taken from among those present; after that, lots were cast to decide between the two. In this account the appeal, 'Do give Thummim,' seems to be separate from the lot casting, though it may give indication that there was some connection between the two.—1Sa 14:36-42.
it-1-E 849 ¶3
Israel's High Priest. In Israel the high priest's turban had on its front, over the priest's forehead, a gold plate, 'the holy sign of dedication,' upon which were inscribed 'with the engravings of a seal' the words 'Holiness belongs to Jehovah.' (Ex 28:36-38; 39:30) As Israel's chief representative of Jehovah's worship, it was fitting that the high priest keep his office holy, and this inscription would also serve as a reminder to all Israel of the need of constant holiness in the service of Jehovah. It also served as a suitable picture of the great High Priest, Jesus Christ, and his being dedicated by Jehovah to this priestly service that upholds God's holiness.—Heb 7:26.
Ħaffer għal Ġawhar Spiritwali
w12-E 8/1 26 ¶1-3
Did You Know?
Where did the precious stones on the breastpiece of Israel's high priest come from?
After the Israelites left Egypt and entered the wilderness, God gave them orders to make this breastpiece. (Exodus 28:15-21) The breastpiece had stones of ruby, topaz, emerald, turquoise, sapphire, jasper, leshem, agate, amethyst, chrysolite, onyx, and jade. Did the Israelites really have access to those types of gems?
In Bible times, people prized precious stones and traded them. The ancient Egyptians, for example, obtained gemstones from as far away as what is now modern-day Iran, Afghanistan, and possibly even India. Egyptian mines produced a number of different precious stones. The Egyptian monarchs had a monopoly on mineral extraction in the territories they controlled. The patriarch Job described how his contemporaries used shafts and underground galleries to search for treasures. Among other items dug from the ground, sapphire and topaz are specifically mentioned by Job.—Job 28:1-11, 19.
The Exodus account states that the Israelites 'stripped the Egyptians' of their valuables when leaving the land. (Exodus 12:35, 36) So it is possible that the Israelites obtained from Egypt the stones used on the high priest's breastpiece.
it-1-E 1130 ¶2
Animals and Produce. The firstborn males of cattle, sheep, and goats were counted as holy to Jehovah and were not to be redeemed. They were to be sacrificed, and a portion went to the sanctified priests. (Nu 18:17-19) The firstfruits and the tithe were holy, as were all sacrifices and all gifts sanctified to the service of the sanctuary. (Ex 28:38) All things holy to Jehovah were sacred and could not be considered lightly or used in a common, or profane, way. An example is the law regarding the tithe. If a man set aside the portion to be tithed, say, of his wheat crop, and then he or one of his household unintentionally took some of it for home use, such as cooking, the man was guilty of violating God's law respecting holy things. The Law required that he make compensation to the sanctuary of an equal amount plus 20 percent, besides offering up a sound ram of the flock as a sacrifice. Thus, great respect was engendered for the holy things belonging to Jehovah.—Le 5:14-16.
28 taʼ Settembru–4 t'Ottubru
'Kontribuzzjoni lil Ġeħova'
it-2-E 764-765
At Sinai. At Jehovah's command the first registration took place during the encampment at Sinai in the second month of the second year following the Exodus from Egypt. To assist Moses in this undertaking, a chieftain was selected out of each tribe to take the responsibility and oversight of the registration in his tribe. Not only were all males listed who were 20 years old and upward—eligible for service in the army—but the Law also placed on the registered ones a head tax of half a shekel ($1.10) for the service of the tabernacle. (Ex 30:11-16; Nu 1:1-16, 18, 19) The total number listed amounted to 603,550, excluding the Levites, who would have no inheritance in the land. These paid no tabernacle tax and were not required to serve in the army.—Nu 1:44-47; 2:32, 33; 18:20, 24.
it-1-E 502
Some contributions were required under the Law. When Moses took a census of the Israelites, each male 20 years old and upward was to give a ransom for his soul, 'a half shekel [probably $1.10] by the shekel of the holy place.' It was 'Jehovah's contribution' in order to make atonement for their souls and 'in behalf of the service of the tent of meeting.' (Ex 30:11-16) According to the Jewish historian Josephus (The Jewish War, VII, 218 [vi, 6]), this 'sacred tax' was thereafter paid annually.—2Ch 24:6-10; Mt 17:24; see TAXATION.
w11-E 11/1 12 ¶1-2
Did You Know?
How were the services at Jehovah's temple in Jerusalem financed?
The various temple services were maintained through taxation, mainly obligatory tithing. But other forms of taxation were also used. For example, at the time of the construction of the tabernacle, Jehovah instructed Moses to collect half a silver shekel from every registered Israelite, as a 'contribution to Jehovah.'—Exodus 30:12-16.
Apparently, it became customary for each Jew to contribute this fixed amount as an annual temple tax. It was this tax that Jesus instructed Peter to pay with a coin taken from a fish's mouth.—Matthew 17:24-27.
Ħaffer għal Ġawhar Spiritwali
it-1-E 1029 ¶4
Settembre Albano E Romina Power
Laying On of Hands. Aside from mere handling, hands were laid on a person or object for various purposes. The general meaning of the act, however, was that of a designation, a pointing out of the person or thing as being acknowledged, or recognized, in a certain way. During the ceremony at the installation of the priesthood, Aaron and his sons laid their hands on the head of the bull and the two rams to be sacrificed, thereby acknowledging that these animals were being sacrificed for them for the sake of their becoming priests of Jehovah God. (Ex 29:10, 15, 19; Le 8:14, 18, 22) When appointing Joshua as his successor at God's command, Moses laid his hand on Joshua, who consequently was 'full of the spirit of wisdom' and so was able to lead Israel properly. (De 34:9) Hands were laid on persons when designating them as receivers of a blessing. Yahoo masenger for pc download freesoftrareabcsoft. (Ge 48:14; Mr 10:16) Jesus Christ touched, or laid his hands on, some persons he healed. (Mt 8:3; Mr 6:5; Lu 13:13) The gift of the holy spirit was granted in some instances through the laying on of the hands of the apostles.—Ac 8:14-20; 19:6.
Representative figures of cherubs were included in the furnishings of the tabernacle set up in the wilderness. Rising above each end of the Ark's cover were two cherubs of hammered gold. They were facing each other and bowing toward the cover in an attitude of worship. Each had two wings that spread upward and screened over the cover in a guarding and protecting manner. (Ex 25:10-21; 37:7-9) Also, the inner covering of tent cloths for the tabernacle and the curtain dividing the Holy from the Most Holy had embroidered cherub figures.—Ex 26:1, 31; 36:8, 35.
it-2-E 936
Twelve cakes of bread that were placed on a table in the Holy compartment of the tabernacle or temple and that were replaced with fresh ones each Sabbath. (Ex 35:13; 39:36; 1Ki 7:48; 2Ch 13:11; Ne 10:32, 33) The literal Hebrew designation for the showbread is the 'bread of the face.' The word for 'face' sometimes denotes 'presence' (2Ki 13:23), and so the showbread was in front of Jehovah's face as an offering before him constantly. (Ex 25:30, ftn) The showbread is also referred to as 'layer bread' (2Ch 2:4), 'loaves of presentation' (Mr 2:26), and simply 'the loaves' (Heb 9:2).
21-27 taʼ Settembru
'X'Nistgħu Nitgħallmu mill-Ilbies tal-Qassisin?'
it-2-E 1143
Urim and Thummim
A number of Bible commentators believe that the Urim and the Thummim were lots. They are called 'the sacred lots' in James Moffatt's translation of Exodus 28:30. Some suppose that they consisted of three pieces, one inscribed with the word 'yes,' one with 'no,' and the other blank. These would be drawn, giving the answer to the question propounded, unless the blank piece was drawn, in which case no answer was forthcoming. Others think that they may have been two flat stones, white on one side and black on the other. When thrown down, two white sides up would mean 'yes,' two black sides 'no,' and a black and a white would mean no answer. On one occasion, when Saul had inquired through the priest as to whether to resume an attack on the Philistines, he received no answer. Feeling that someone among his men had sinned, he petitioned: 'O God of Israel, do give Thummim!' Saul and Jonathan were taken from among those present; after that, lots were cast to decide between the two. In this account the appeal, 'Do give Thummim,' seems to be separate from the lot casting, though it may give indication that there was some connection between the two.—1Sa 14:36-42.
it-1-E 849 ¶3
Israel's High Priest. In Israel the high priest's turban had on its front, over the priest's forehead, a gold plate, 'the holy sign of dedication,' upon which were inscribed 'with the engravings of a seal' the words 'Holiness belongs to Jehovah.' (Ex 28:36-38; 39:30) As Israel's chief representative of Jehovah's worship, it was fitting that the high priest keep his office holy, and this inscription would also serve as a reminder to all Israel of the need of constant holiness in the service of Jehovah. It also served as a suitable picture of the great High Priest, Jesus Christ, and his being dedicated by Jehovah to this priestly service that upholds God's holiness.—Heb 7:26.
Ħaffer għal Ġawhar Spiritwali
w12-E 8/1 26 ¶1-3
Did You Know?
Where did the precious stones on the breastpiece of Israel's high priest come from?
After the Israelites left Egypt and entered the wilderness, God gave them orders to make this breastpiece. (Exodus 28:15-21) The breastpiece had stones of ruby, topaz, emerald, turquoise, sapphire, jasper, leshem, agate, amethyst, chrysolite, onyx, and jade. Did the Israelites really have access to those types of gems?
In Bible times, people prized precious stones and traded them. The ancient Egyptians, for example, obtained gemstones from as far away as what is now modern-day Iran, Afghanistan, and possibly even India. Egyptian mines produced a number of different precious stones. The Egyptian monarchs had a monopoly on mineral extraction in the territories they controlled. The patriarch Job described how his contemporaries used shafts and underground galleries to search for treasures. Among other items dug from the ground, sapphire and topaz are specifically mentioned by Job.—Job 28:1-11, 19.
The Exodus account states that the Israelites 'stripped the Egyptians' of their valuables when leaving the land. (Exodus 12:35, 36) So it is possible that the Israelites obtained from Egypt the stones used on the high priest's breastpiece.
it-1-E 1130 ¶2
Animals and Produce. The firstborn males of cattle, sheep, and goats were counted as holy to Jehovah and were not to be redeemed. They were to be sacrificed, and a portion went to the sanctified priests. (Nu 18:17-19) The firstfruits and the tithe were holy, as were all sacrifices and all gifts sanctified to the service of the sanctuary. (Ex 28:38) All things holy to Jehovah were sacred and could not be considered lightly or used in a common, or profane, way. An example is the law regarding the tithe. If a man set aside the portion to be tithed, say, of his wheat crop, and then he or one of his household unintentionally took some of it for home use, such as cooking, the man was guilty of violating God's law respecting holy things. The Law required that he make compensation to the sanctuary of an equal amount plus 20 percent, besides offering up a sound ram of the flock as a sacrifice. Thus, great respect was engendered for the holy things belonging to Jehovah.—Le 5:14-16.
28 taʼ Settembru–4 t'Ottubru
'Kontribuzzjoni lil Ġeħova'
it-2-E 764-765
At Sinai. At Jehovah's command the first registration took place during the encampment at Sinai in the second month of the second year following the Exodus from Egypt. To assist Moses in this undertaking, a chieftain was selected out of each tribe to take the responsibility and oversight of the registration in his tribe. Not only were all males listed who were 20 years old and upward—eligible for service in the army—but the Law also placed on the registered ones a head tax of half a shekel ($1.10) for the service of the tabernacle. (Ex 30:11-16; Nu 1:1-16, 18, 19) The total number listed amounted to 603,550, excluding the Levites, who would have no inheritance in the land. These paid no tabernacle tax and were not required to serve in the army.—Nu 1:44-47; 2:32, 33; 18:20, 24.
it-1-E 502
Some contributions were required under the Law. When Moses took a census of the Israelites, each male 20 years old and upward was to give a ransom for his soul, 'a half shekel [probably $1.10] by the shekel of the holy place.' It was 'Jehovah's contribution' in order to make atonement for their souls and 'in behalf of the service of the tent of meeting.' (Ex 30:11-16) According to the Jewish historian Josephus (The Jewish War, VII, 218 [vi, 6]), this 'sacred tax' was thereafter paid annually.—2Ch 24:6-10; Mt 17:24; see TAXATION.
w11-E 11/1 12 ¶1-2
Did You Know?
How were the services at Jehovah's temple in Jerusalem financed?
The various temple services were maintained through taxation, mainly obligatory tithing. But other forms of taxation were also used. For example, at the time of the construction of the tabernacle, Jehovah instructed Moses to collect half a silver shekel from every registered Israelite, as a 'contribution to Jehovah.'—Exodus 30:12-16.
Apparently, it became customary for each Jew to contribute this fixed amount as an annual temple tax. It was this tax that Jesus instructed Peter to pay with a coin taken from a fish's mouth.—Matthew 17:24-27.
Ħaffer għal Ġawhar Spiritwali
it-1-E 1029 ¶4
Settembre Albano E Romina Power
Laying On of Hands. Aside from mere handling, hands were laid on a person or object for various purposes. The general meaning of the act, however, was that of a designation, a pointing out of the person or thing as being acknowledged, or recognized, in a certain way. During the ceremony at the installation of the priesthood, Aaron and his sons laid their hands on the head of the bull and the two rams to be sacrificed, thereby acknowledging that these animals were being sacrificed for them for the sake of their becoming priests of Jehovah God. (Ex 29:10, 15, 19; Le 8:14, 18, 22) When appointing Joshua as his successor at God's command, Moses laid his hand on Joshua, who consequently was 'full of the spirit of wisdom' and so was able to lead Israel properly. (De 34:9) Hands were laid on persons when designating them as receivers of a blessing. Yahoo masenger for pc download freesoftrareabcsoft. (Ge 48:14; Mr 10:16) Jesus Christ touched, or laid his hands on, some persons he healed. (Mt 8:3; Mr 6:5; Lu 13:13) The gift of the holy spirit was granted in some instances through the laying on of the hands of the apostles.—Ac 8:14-20; 19:6.
it-1-E 114 ¶1
Anointed, Anointing
San Mikiel 29 Ta Settembru
In the Law Jehovah gave to Moses, he prescribed a formula for the anointing oil. It was of a special composition of the choicest ingredients—myrrh, sweet cinnamon, sweet calamus, cassia, and olive oil. (Ex 30:22-25) It was a capital offense for anyone to compound this mixture and to use it for any common or unauthorized purpose. (Ex 30:31-33) This figuratively demonstrated the importance and sacredness of an appointment to office that had been confirmed by anointing with sacred oil.